An Review of What I made This Year!

It’s a growing process

From the beginning of the school year to the end, I have made some artwork that sends a message, for fun or just for particle. And as I finished project after project, I’ve learned and have grown form the battles that I’ve put up with to complete them!

Underglaze Transfer

The underglaze project was an interesting that I made this year. Next time when I decide to do this project again, I want to focus on transferring the glaze onto the slab correctly.

Handmade Brush

In class we made a brush, made from bamboo and animal fur, and than we tested the brushes on paper. Next year I want to create I vase and glaze it with the brush!


This is a mug that I’ve started at the beginning  of the school year. I wanted this mug to reflect the different personalities that some people have, the two side of us that we might try to hide from others. I was inspired by other’s and myself and how we all can be two different people at some point in our lives. Meaning we all can act one way to others but act differently to the next person we meet. The idea for this mug was to have one  side of the face 3-D and the other 2-D. Unfortunately, I will have to start over because of my lack of attendance to the mug.

Exposed Coiled

This is a coiled form that I made for the first time. This project is was new for me because I never made a piece out of coils. At first I was unsure of what to do so I made a pencil holder. If I were to make a coiled piece in the future, I would make sure that the coils are neat and to take my time on my work.

Liz Zlot Summerfied

In class we were introduced to Liz Zlot Summerfield, who created a slab built sugar and creamer set which inspired us to recreate the pieces. When watching the demonstration video in class it seemed as if the set would be easy to make but once we got started we stumbled upon some challenges. We were having a hard time shaping the slabs into the shape that Liz shaped her pieces. My piece came out to like square like because I forget to bevel the sides , a step that a lot of people were forgetting to do.

Soft Slab

Once we were fished with the Liz Zot Summerfield project, I wanted to make my own slab built piece. I was inspired by other ceramic artist and how they create their artwork that looks like clothes. I wanted to make my piece look like a shirt and when glazing, I want it to look like there are wrinkles in the shirt. In order to create the wrinkles I mixed a green glazed with black for the darker areas in the shirt.

Wheel Thrown

Something that I’ve imagined doing in ceramic class was throwing on the wheel. I love how you can take a ball of clay and turn it into a masterpiece. When I finally got the change to throw on the wheel ; many ideas came to my head of what I wanted to throw. To prepare myself for the wheel I’ve watched videos of how to throw on the wheel which helped me get an idea of how to start. from my first day on the wheel to the least, I’ve learned that just because you watched videos on how to throw on the wheel that doesn’t mean you’ll become a natural when throwing on the wheel. It takes time and practice so for next year I want to practice more on the wheel!

I love the texture that each individual glazes creates! I layered the glazes on top of one another to create a pattern.


This was a project that I’ve wanted to see the end results but sadly that dream didn’t come true. I created a art piece that is a voice for the people who’ve been dealing with depression or just feeling alone in the world. I started with the bottom; making a bowl with a mode than, I built up with slabs. I was struggling with shaping the piece so that can can resemble a waist. I also had I hard time keeping the piece wet so that is wouldn’t dry out. This lead to the project downfall literally, because the piece collapsed due to too much water. As much as I would have like to finish it, I just wouldn’t have the  time because the school is coming to an end. I was upset that it collapsed because to me, it felt as if I let everyone down, those who needed a voice to be heard. But I won’t  cry about it, I will use this as a lesson for what I need to work on in future to complete this project.

Keeping a Positive Attitude

Something that I would do if I were to start over on my Artist Tell Story project I would make test slabs so that I can mix glazes with each other to see if it makes the ideal color.

What I Want to Focus on Next Year!

Thinking back on the projects that I’ve completed this year and how I completed them, next year I want to take my time on my artwork and plan out my process in completing them. I also want to try new project and techniques. learning more from other ceramic artist, and recreating old project is something that I want to focus on as well to help me improve next year!



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